Friday, 23 February 2007
Thursday, 22 February 2007
Sunday, 18 February 2007
Saturday, 3 February 2007
Crew: 4
Combat Weight: 7000 kg.
Ground Pressure: Not known.
Engine: V-8 water-cooled petrol engine developing 141 hp.
Fuel Capacity: 290 litres.
Maximum Speed: 100 km/h on land and 10 km/h on water.
Maximum Range: 750 km.
Transmission: Manual, 4 forward and 1 reverse gear.
Steering: Not known
Suspension: Semi-elliptical springs with hydraulic shock absorbers.
Electrical System: 24V.
Gradient: 60%.
Side Slope: Not known.
Vertical Obstacle: 0.4 metres.
Trench Crossing: 2.5 metres wide.
Armament: 1 x launcher rail for the AT-3 Swagger ATGW.
................1 x 14.5mm KVPT heavy machine gun with 500 rounds.
................1 x 7.62mm PKT machine gun with 2000 rounds. (Co-Axial)
Gun Elevation/Depression: +75º/-5º.
Smoke Launching Equipment: Not known.
Comments: The BRDM-2 is a fully armoured, four-wheel-drive, amphibious reconnaissance vehicle. It has two-pairs of belly wheels and a centralized tire pressure regulation system for increased cross-country capability. The BRDM-2 has a box-like hull with a boat-shaped bow. The engine is mounted in the vehicle rear and there is a small conical turret mounted on the hull above the belly wheels. The driver sits at the front of the hull on the left with the vehicle commander to his right. To enter the vehicle, the crew must climb through two roof hatches. The hull, which is constructed of welded steel, provides the crew with protection from small arms and shell splinters. The turret, which is very similar to that of the BTR-60PB and Czechoslovakian OT-64, is located in the center of the vehicle and is armed with a 14.5mm KPVT MG with a 7.62-mm PKT MG.
On either side of the hull adjacent to the crew position, there is a firing port. Immediately behind the firing port are three vision blocks which protrude from the outside of the hull, giving some vision to the front and rear of the vehicle. The belly-wheels are chain driven and are lowered by the driver and give the BRDM-2 improved cross-country performance and the ability to cross ditches. The driver can adjust the tire pressure on all four tires or individual tires while the vehicle is in motion to adjust to the ground conditions. The BRDM-2 is fully amphibious and is propelled in the water by a single water jet at the rear of the hull. The vehicle has an over pressure NBC system. The BRDM-2 is equipped with infrared driving and search lights, a radio and an inertial land navigation system. At the front of the vehicle is a winch which has 30m of cable and has a maximum load of 4000 kg (8818.5 lbs).
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Friday, 2 February 2007
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Well helloooooooooooo there, sailor or sailorette! (depending-on-your-gender-of-choice-as-this-is-a-modern-and
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